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Ruben Cobos, recorder, 1949

 File — Box: 3, CD: 239

Scope and Contents

Alfonso Castillo, b. 1878, Alameda, NM. (CD 239 repeats some of CD 238).1. El miercoles de ceniza (song, Ash Wednesday, Lent begins, God selected Jesus for His will, rises in forty days); 2. Adios, acompanamiento (song of deceased, man says goodbye to all, velorio, death, muerte, funeral); 3. Por la calle mas amarga pasearon a mi Jesus (song, passion of Christ); 4. Jesucristo me acompane y el angel de nuestra guarda (song, asks Jesus and a guardian angel to accompany him on his first step); 5. Un siervo del Santo Nino en esta propia ocasion (song, a servant of Jesus as a child in this moment, a poor man asks for faith at house of rich man); 6. Venid, pecadores, venid con la cruz (song, Come sinners, to the cross; Come to adore sweet blood of Christ in temple of God); 8. San Ignacio de Loyola (song, St. Ignatius of Loyola); 9. Orillas de un arroyo (song, by edge of a ditch, arroyo, acequia, water, Virgin of Guadalupe, apparition, miracle, blessing); 10. El primer hombre del mundo (song, the first man of the world asks or give us understanding); 11. Nos dio sus cuerpo al Senor en la cena que tenia (song, God gave us his body in last supper); 12. Estaba orando en el huerto todo lleno de amargura (song, Holy Week, Semana Santa, Jesus was praying in orchard, everything full of bitterness, Judas sold him out with a kiss); 13. Vamos buscando el camino (song, we search for path of salvation of soul, for my faults, guilt); 14. La Guadalupana virgen coronada (song, crowned, loved, Virgin of Guadalupe, Virgin Mary, pray for us); 15. Ay, de los tristes gemidos, Ay, de los duros lementos (song, oh sad cries, oh tough lamentations, tears of emotion); 16. A tu santuario bendito (song, at your blessed sanctuary); 17. Contemplemos todos a esta triste Madre Maria (song, death of Jesus, in grave, Virgin Mary, muerte, funeral, death, passion of Christ); 18. Ayudad, almas queridas a sentir a Nuestro Padre (song, help beloved souls to feel our God, Jueves Santo, Holy Thursday, Holy Week, Semana Santa, when the heart of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus broken); 19. Padre Jesus Nazareno, que quieres que haga (song, Father Jesus of Nazareth, what do you want me to do?); 20. Bendice, Senor, la cena en la mesa del altar (song, bless the dinner on the table of the altar, Eucharist); 21. Catolico y fiel cristiano alabemos a Dios puro, Las doce verdades del mundo (song, faithful Christian and Catholic, let us praise the pure God, the twelve truths of the world will show the first God will always reign); 22. Madre de Dolores, Madre de Tormentos (song, Mother of Sorrows, Mother of Torments, Virgin Mary, your beautiful son Jesus, sweating blood); 23. Ven, pecador, y veras a un senor sacramentado (song, Asks a sinner to come view a man being administered the sacraments); 24. Estaba junto al madero de la cruz dolorosa (song, beside the painful Holy Cross of Jesus).

Vicente Sanchez, b. 1889, Cuba, NM, Las Lagunitas, NM. Fair recording 1. Indita de San Luis (song, I promised Saint Louis that I would dance); 2. Indita de los soldados, World War I (song, I do it with heart for all the soldiers; . Indita de San Luis Gonzaga de Indita de San Luis de Abaranda.

Amador Abeyta, b. 1887, Sabinal, NM. and Mrs. Jose de Leon Padilla, b. 1895, Tome, NM. Indita de San Luis Gonzaga (song, prayer to saint, asking for the concession of health, in a dangerous world, promise to dance. Indita de San Luis Gonzaga).

Felicitas Montano, b. 1893, Tome, NM. Indita de Santo Nino en accion de gracias (duet, song for Jesus as a child on Thanksgiving, do not scare Him because we come singing, we are paying a promise we made, we search for you).

Manuel A. Esquibel, b. 1888, La Joya, NM. Indita de San Luis Gonzaga (song, in this blessed occasion we ask saint to bless America and Spain, Espana, give peace to poor soldiers that fight against each other in war, at the doors to heaven, I promise to dance, Spanish American War. Indita de San Luis Gonzaga).


  • Creation: 1949

Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 13 boxes (12.25 cu. ft.)

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131