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Donald S. Dreesen Collection of Pictures of Prominent New Mexicans

Identifier: PICT-987-012

Scope and Content

Binder of clippings of identified persons prominent in the history of New Mexico. Compiled by researcher Donald Dreesen. The majority of these images will not reproduce well due to their small size and the photomechanical halftone screen pattern that appears when they are enlarged. However, they are a good visual reference and may, at times, be the only available source of a portrait.


  • Creation: 1840-1970

Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research. A photocopy for patron use is located in the CSWR Anderson Reading Room.

Copy Restrictions

Copyright unknown. Portraits have been clipped from published sources. User is responsible for all copyright compliance. For more information see the Photographs and Images Research Guide and contact the Pictorial Archivist.


1 item (1 box) : 1 binder, uncounted photomechanical prints

Language of Materials



Binder of clippings of identified persons prominent in the history of New Mexico.

Physical Location

B2. Shelved by Pictorial Number.

List of Identified Individuals

Name Date
Abbot, Ira A. 1845
Abreu, Jesus G. 1890-1909
Alarid, Trinidad 1890-1909
Andrews, William Henry 1842-1919
Antrim, Katherine (Mrs.) 1829-1874
Archuleta, Diego (General) 1814-1884
Arny, W.F.M. undated
Ashenfelter, S.M. 1885-1906
Ashurst, Merrill (Attorney General) 1840-1869
Aubrey, F.X. 1840-1854
Augustini Ana, Juan Maria 1860-1874
Axtell, Samuel Beach 1819-1891
Baca, Benito 1870-1879
Baca, Elfego 1883
Baca, Elfego 1915-1925
Baca, Roman A. 1880-1909
Baca, Saturnino 1870-1879
Baca, Tomas C. de 1860-1889
Bandelier Family, Adolf F. 1890-1909
Banta, Charles Albert Franklin 1910-1924
Bartlett, Edward L. 1870-1889
Bartley, Nellie (Mrs.) 1940-1950
Beaubien, Carlos 1840-1850
Beckwourth, James P. 1840-1870
Bennett, J.F. (Colonel) 1870-1890
Bent, Charles 1840-1847
Bergman. Edward H. 1865
Blumenshein, Ernest (with broken wagon) undated
Blumenshein, Ernest 1900-1909
Boltulph (Brother) 1890-1906
Bonney, William ("Billy the Kid") 1877-1881
Breeden, William 1880-1909
Bridger, Jim 1870-1887
Bristol, Warren (Supreme Court Judge) 1872
Browne, Lawrence P. 1880-1893
Brunswick, Marcus 1880-1899
Burns, Thomas D. 1895-1916
Bursum, Holm Otto 1905-1920
Cahoon, E.A. 1910-1929
Calhoun, James. S. (Governor) 1840-1851
Calkins, Bertis H. 1950-1970
Campbell, Thomas D. (General) 1950-1970
Canby, E.R.S. (General) 1860-1873
Carson, Kit (Colonel) 1840-1850
Carson, Kit (Colonel) 1868
Catron, Thomas B. (Senator) 1900-1910
Chatto, Alfred 1920-1939
Chaves, Amado 1910-1929
Chaves, Katherine 1910-1929
Chavez, Frncisco Antonio 1880-1909
Chavez, Jose Maria (General) 1880-1909
Chick, William H. 1860-1890
Chirington, J.M. (Colonel) 1860-1880
Chisum, John Simpson 1860-1875
Clapp, Lafayette (Mrs.) 1882 ; 1924-1929
Cleaver, D.P. (Colonel) 1870-1874
Coffe, O.T. 1880-1909
Collister, James H. 1950-1963
Conklin, James 1870-1879
Conner, Anthony B. 1920-1929
Conway, Thomas F. (Attorney General) 1872
Couse, E. Irving 1870-1890
Cramer, Henry 1920-1929
Crawford, Jack (Captain) 1870-1889 ; 1890-1909
Crist, J.H. 1900-1929
Crumpacker, Jonathan W. (Supreme Court Judge) 1898
Cunningham, J.M. 1890-1909
Curry, George (Governor) 1920-1925
Curtis, Zenas 1930-1940
Damon, Luther Edward 1880-1899
Davis Jr., Stephen B. 1910-1929
Davis, N.H. (General) 1865
Davis, W.H. (Territorial Secretary) 1890-1900
DeForrest, Cyrus H. (Colonel) 1870-1889
Des Marais y Montes de Santa Ana, Michel (Mrs.) 1880-1894
Dillon, Richard (Mrs.) 1940-1949
Dillon, Richard 1960-1966
Dolan, James J. 1880-1898
Domenici, Cherubino 1950-1964
Doniphan, Alexander (General) 1870-1890
Dougherty, H.M. 1920-1929
Ealy, T.F. (Mrs.) 1890-1909
Eldodt, Samuel 1880-1899
Elkins, Stephen Benton 1904-1911
Eller, Charles A. (Dr.) 1945-1955
Elsberg, W. 1850-1870
Evensen, Jonhhy ("Uncle") 1880-1899
Fall, Albert B. (Senator) 1897; 1910-1920
Fitch, James G. 1890-1909
Fountain, Albert Jennings (Colonel) 1880-1896
Fremman, Alfred A. (Supreme Court Judge) 1890-1909
French, Chester T. 1966-1975
Frost, Maximilian 1890-1909
Gallegos, Manuel A. 1850-1870
Gallegos, Nazareno 1860-1890
Galles, Herbert Louis 1940-1951
Galles, Louis W. 1880-1899
Ganado Mucho 1880-1909
Garrett, Patrick F. 1880-1885; 1890; 1899-1908
Geronimo 1880-1889; 1885-1899; 1899-1909
Giddings, Marsh (Governor) 1870-1875
Gifford, Alrien 1880-1920
Glasgow, William J. (General) 1965
Gonzales, Hilario 1860-1880
Gray, Dundas McQueen 1900-1920
Gregg, Josiah 1840-1850
Griffin, William, W. 1880-1889
Hagerman, J.J. 1890-1909
Hamilton, Humphrey B. (Supreme Court Justice) 1895
Hannett, A.T. (Governor) 1920-1940
Hart Family 1880-1899
Hartmann, Julius Johannes (Father) 1910; 1968
Hawkins, William L. 1930-1940
Haynes, C.H. ("Hick") 1918
Hearn, Walter 1880-1889
Hening, H.B. 1950-1960
Henriques, E.C. (Dr.) undated
Herran, Nancy 1860-1890
Hockenhull, Andrew (Governor) 1933-1934; 1955-1965
Holloman, Reed 1890-1909
Holt, Willard (Colonel) 1940-1960
Houghton, Joab (Judge) 1860-1877
Howe, John (Mr.; Mrs.) 1875-1885
Hudson, Richard (Colonel) 1870-1899
Hughes, Levi A. 1875-1885
Huntington, D.L. (Major) 1860-1885
Illfeld, Charles 1847-1929
Illfeld, Herman 1877-1935
Jackson, Dave 1920-1940
Jaffa, Nathan 1900-1920
Jaramillo, Pedro 1880-1900
Jaramillo, V. 1900-1920
Jiron, Vicente (Governor) 1890-1910
Johnson, James L. 1870-1890
Jones, Adreius 1862-1927
Kanseah, Jasper 1940-1960
Kearny, Stephen (General) 1794-1848
Keleher, W. A. 1968
Kennon, L. G. (Dr.) 1880-1900
King, Jeff 1950-1970
Klah, Hosteen 1920-1940
Knaebel, John H. 1890-1910
Lake, George B. 1870-1890
Lamy, John B. 1814-1888
Lane George W. 1880-1900
Lane William Carr (Governor) 1789-1863
LaRue, J. A. (Colonel) 1890-1910
Laughlin, Napoleon B. 1894
Lea, Joseph C. 1880-1900
Light, C. M. (Dr.) 1900-1920
Lilly, Ben 1910-1930
Lindsey, Washington 1862-1926
Llewellyn, William Henry Harrison (Major) 1851-1925
Longwill, R.H. (Dr.) 1880-1890
Lopez, Francisco 1890-1910
Loudon, Hugh 1965
Lovelace, William (Dr.) 1950-1970, 1890-1910
Lucy, Ellen 1882; 1924-1929
Lummis, Charles 1910-1930
Luna, Antonio Jose 1860-1880
Luna, Maximiliano (Captain) 1870-1900
Luna, Ramon 1870-1890
Luna, Soloman 1890-1910
Luna, Tranquilano (Congressman) 1870-1890
Mabry, Thomas J. 1940-1960
Magoffin, James 1851
Maier, Frank 1870-1890
Mann, Edward A. (Judge) 1880-1930
Manzanares, Fransisco (Congressman) 1880-1900
Mariana (Navajo Chief) 1890-1910
Marmon, Susie Rayos 1950-1970
Martiez, Felix 1890-1910
Martin, George 1860-1880
Martinez, Antonio Jose (Rev.) 1850-1870
Martinez, Malaquias 1890-1910
Mathews, Billy 1880-1900
Maxwell, Lucien B. 1860-1880
McCallister, James 1940-1960
McComas, Charley 1870-1890
McDonald, William C. (Governor) 1890-1910
McFerran, J. C. (Colonel) 1865
McFie John R. (Judge) 1880-1900
McKee (Dr.) 1870-1890
Mechem, Merrit 1910-1930
Meloche, Tony 1890-1910
Mennet, A. (Captain) 1900-1920
Meriwether, David (Governor) 1853
Messervy, William (Congressman) 1860-1880
Miller, Lorion 1870-1890
Mills, William J. (Governor) 1890-1910
Mitchell, Robert (Governor) 1860-1880
Montoya, Donaciano 1890-1910
Morley, W. R. 1870-1890
Morley, William 1899
Muir, John T. 1900-1920
Murray Willliam 1890-1910
Naut'zilli (Mescalero Chief) 1870-1890
Nordhaus, Max 1910-1930
Norris, Basil (Dr.) 1870-1890
O'Brien, James (Judge) 1893
Ortiz y Alarid, Gaspar 1880-1900
Ortiz y Salazar, Antonio 1890-1910
Otero, Manuel 1930-1950
Otero, Miguel (Congressman) 1860-1880
Otero, Miguel (Governor) 1880-1900
Ownby, B. B. (Judge) 1920-1940
Page, Gregory 1900-1920
Palen, Joseph (Judge) 1869
Palen, Rufus 1890-1910
Pankey, B. F. 1900-1920
Parker, Francis 1910-1930
Perea, Pedro (Congressman) 1880-1900
Perea, Pedro Jose 1860-1880
Pershing (General) 1915-1916
Phelps, Mary 1899
Phillips, Bert 1898
Pile, William (Governor) 1890-1910
Pino, Nicolas (General) 1870-1890
Poe, John 1880-1900
Pope, William Hayes (Judge) 1900-1920
Price, John 1870-1890
Prince, L. Bradford 1900-1920
Pritchard, George (Attorney General) 1890-1910
Raynolds, J. Wallace (Territorial Secretary) 1880-1900
Raynolds, Jefferson 1890-1910
Read, Alexander 1890-1910
Reid, William (Attorney Gen) 1910-1930
Rencher, Abraham (Governor) 1857-1861
Reymond, Numa 1890-1910
Reynolds, Matt 1890-1910
Rhodes, Gene 1890-1930
Richardson, Granville 1910-1930
Riley, John 1870-1890
Ritch, William (Territorial Secretary) 1880-1900
Roberts, Clarence (Judge) 1910-1930
Roberts, F. H. (Dr.) 1890-1910
Robidoux, Antione 1840-1860
Robidoux, Louis 1850-1870
Robinson, A. A. 1890-1910
Romero y Baca, Miguel 1860-1880
Romero, Euginio 1890-1910
Romero, Juan Jesus 1950-1970
Romero, Margarito 1900-1920
Romero, Trinidad (Congressman) 1890-1910
Rynerson, William (Colonel) 1870-1890
Sage, Chase (General) 1950-1970
Salazar, Manuel 1860-1880
Sanchez, Facundo (Governor) 1898
Sanchez, Pedro 1880-1900
Santistevan, Juan 1890-1910
Schevrich, Aloysios 1880-1908
Schmidt, Justis 1884
Schmidt, Molly 1884
Sedillo, Antonio 1910-1930
Seeds, Edward (Judge.) 1890
Selden, Henry (Colonel) 1850-1865
Seligman, Bernard 1850-1870, 1890-1910
Sellav, John 1880-1900
Sena, Jose 1890-1920
Sharp, J. H. 1920-1940
Sheldon, Lionel (Governor) 1890-1910
Sheridan, Philip (General) 1860-1880
Sibley (General) 1880-1900
Simpson, Smith (Captain) 1890-1910
Slough, John (General) 1850-1867
Smith, George (Rev.) 1870-1890
Smith, Thomas (Judge) 1893
Spiegelberg, Emanuel 1880-1900
Spiegelberg, Jacob 1880-1900
Spiegelberg, Lehman 1880-1900
Spiegelberg, Levi 1880-1900
Spiegelberg, S. 1880-1900
Spiegelberg, Willi 1880-1900
Spless, Charles 1900-1920
Springer, Charles 1910-1930
Springer, Frank 1910-1930
St. Vrain, Ceran 1850-1870
Staab, Abraham 1890-1913
Staab, Zadoc 1860-1883
Stanton, Irving (Major) 1870-1890
Stephenson, Horace 1890-1910
Strong, William 1880-1900
Sublett, Ross 1930-1950
Sumner, Edwin (General) 1850-1870
Sweet, Belle 1930-1950
Thacker, Laura 1875-1885
Thaxton, William 1950-1968
Thomas, Benjamin (Territorial Secretary) 1870-1892
Thornton, William (Governor) 1890-1918
Tiene-su-se (Navajo Chief) 1890-1910
Tight, William 1890-1910
Tingley, Carrie 1940-1960
Tingley, Clide (Governor) 1920-1940
Tipton, William 1890-1910
Tixier, Ralph 1950-1970
Trujillo, Luciano 1898
Turner, Avery 1900-1920
Twitchele, R. E. 1900-1925
Van Patten, Eugene (Major) 1890-1910
Victorio (Apache Chief) 1870-1890
Victory, John (Attorney General) 1880-1900
Vigil, Deluvina 1880-1894
Vigil, Donaciano (Governor) 1850-1877
Villa, Francisco "Pancho" (General) 1900-1923
Villa, Luz 1900-1923
Vincent, William 1900-1920
Waddingham, Wilson 1910-1930
Walden, J. M. (Rev.) 1860-1880
Waldo, Henry (Attorner General) 1890-1912
Wallace, George (Territorial Secretary) 1880-1901
Wallace, Lew (Governor) 1880-1905
Walter, Paul 1940-1966
Walton, William 1900-1920
Warren, Elizabeth 1890-1910
Wetherill, Clayton 1899
Wetherill, Maietta 1920-1940
Williams, Hermon (Rev.) 1930-1958
Willis, Edward (Colonel) 1870-1890
Willis, J. R. 1940-1960
Willson, James (Colonel) 1910-1930
Wood, Francis 1900-1920
Woods, Tom 1920-1940
Wootton, Dick 1860
Wright, Edward (Judge) 1920-1940
Wright, Koehler 1880-1890
Wylder, Meldrum (Dr.) 1950-1970
Yahnozha 1900-1920

Finding Aid of the Donald S. Dreesen Collection of Pictures of Prominent New Mexicans, 1840-1970
Pictorial Collections Staff
© 2007
Description rules
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English

Revision Statements

  • Monday, 20210524: Attribute normal is missing or blank.

Repository Details

Part of the UNM Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections Repository

University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131