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Box 6


Contains 36 Results:

Parecer del Obispo de México sobre la Policía de la Nueva España y Otras Cosas. Sevilla, AGI, Patronato, Leg.180, Ramo 23a and 23b., Undated.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 1
Scope and Contents Summary: Initial impressions and memories of New Spain written by Bishop Zumárraga. Includes details of topography of the region and personal criticisms on the part of the bishop of the conquistadores and their lack of commitment to develop the land and help the native communities. Zumárraga also gives his views of the Indians, the reasons for their poor condition, their skills and potential. He also calls for develepment of the extensive resources and economy of New Spain, details items,...
Dates: Undated.

AGS, Guerra y Marina, leg. 2, 226, 1529.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 2
Scope and Contents

Summary: Brief letter speaking to the character of Bishop Zumárraga prior to his departure to New Spain. Signature on the document is not legible.

Dates: 1529.

Proceso del Obispo contra Juan de Negrete, Archidiácono. México City, AGI, Audiencia de Mexico, 280., 1547.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 3
Scope and Contents

Summary: English translation of documents pertaining to law suit entered by Bishop Zumárraga against Archdeacon Juan Negrete. Negrete is charged with disrespecting his superiors and associating with dishonest persons filled with bad intentions. Spanish version is not included in this folder.

Dates: 1547.

Documentos del Obispo y el Cabildo, 31 de enero, 1548. México City, AGI, Audiencia de México, 336-A 1, Doc. 45, 1548.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 4
Scope and Contents

Summary: Insights of Bishop Zumárraga regarding the disorder transpiring in local cabildo. Two central issues are addressed a) the behavior of Archdeacon Juan Negrete in cabildo meetings and b) the dispersal of tithe between the clergy and the cabildo. English and Spanish copies included.

Dates: 1548.

Mexico City, AGI, Audiencia de Mexico, 339,, 1541 – 1548.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 5
Scope and Contents

Summary: Requests issued by Juan de Negrete for royal support for his parish.

Dates: 1541 – 1548.

Mexico City, AGI, Audiencia de Mexico, 339,, 1541 – 1548.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 6
Scope and Contents

Summary: English translation of documents container in folder: 4.

Dates: 1541 – 1548.

Información hecha de oficio en la ciudad de Tenustitlan por mandado del Ilustrísimo Obispo de México para hacer constar a S.M. los malos procedimientos del Arcediano Don Juan Negrete. México City, AGI, Leg.280, ramo 2, exp. 3,, 1547.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 7
Scope and Contents

Summary: Partial testimony to the case brought forth by Bishop Zumárraga against Juan Negrete. Contents of this folder compliment documents above.

Dates: 1547.

Proceso del Obispo Fr. Juan de Zumárraga en contra de Juan Negrete, Arcediano de la Santa Catedral, por desacatamiento, México City. AGI, Audiencia de México, leg. 280., 1548.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 8
Scope and Contents

Summary: Questions and testimony from four persons regarding charges of insubordination on the part of Juan Negrete, Archdeacon of the cathedral of Mexico City. Documents do not contain disposition of case or testimony from Negrete.

Dates: 1548.

Cartas del Obispo Fray Juan de Zumárraga sobre Padre Pedro López de Mendoza. México City, AGI, Audiencia de México, Leg. 204, no. 14, 1544.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 9
Scope and Contents

Summary: Folder contains documents relating to Pedro López who constructed a church with his own funds. He is petitioning for support from the crown for his parish. Correspondence in support of his claims from Bishop Zumárraga contained in folder.

Dates: 1544.

Traslado de los capítulos que hicieron y ordenaron a los señores obispo de esta Nueva España con los religiosos sobre su junta de 1539. AGI, Audiencia de Mexico, 336-A, Ramo 2, No. 97, Exp. 1, 1539. Vasco de Quiroga.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 10
Scope and Contents

Summary: Transcription of meeting between bishops and monks from various provinces in New Spain. Meeting discusses how regions should inter – communicate and how clergymen and bishops should address the needs of their parishioners.

Dates: 1539. Vasco de Quiroga.

Probanza ad perpetuam rei memoriam hecha a pedimento de los presentados dignidades y canónigos de Tenustitan. AGI, Audiencia de Mexico, 203, Ramo 3, Exp. 28, 1533.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 12
Scope and Contents

Summary: Documents relating to a legal dispute between the holy church of Mexico City and friars of the order of San Agustín regarding a building constructed by the Augustinians within the boundaries of the holy church of Mexico.

Dates: 1533.

Icazbalceta, Joaquín García, "Don Fray Juan de Zumárraga, Tomo I" Porrua, 1947

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 14
Scope and Contents

Summary: English notes taken by Dr. Greenleaf for the above titled book relating to the life of Bishop Zumárraga. Notes are for volume 1 of this particular book, Editorial Porrua.

Dates: 1947

Icazbalceta, Joaquín García: "Don Fray Juan de Zumárraga, Tomo 2" Porrua., 1947.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 15
Scope and Contents

Summary: Continuation of documents, this time detailing contents of volume 2 of this particular book. In English.

Dates: 1947.

Icazbalceta, Joaquín García: "Don Fray Juan de Zumárraga, Tomo 3" Porrua, 1947.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 16
Scope and Contents

Summary: Notes taken by Dr. Greenleaf from the third volume of the cited book. It seems that this volume contains transcriptions of primary documents relating to Bishop Zumárraga.

Dates: 1947.

Icazbalceta, Joaquín García: "Don Fray Juan de Zumárraga," Tomo 4 Porrua, 1947.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 17
Scope and Contents

Summary: Notes taken by Dr. Greenleaf from the fourth part of the cited book. It seems that this volume contains transcriptions of primary documents relating to Bishop Zumárraga.

Dates: 1947.

Assorted Zumárraga documents:, Undated

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 18
Scope and Contents

Summary: Notes drafted by Dr. Greenleaf relating to various Zumárraga documents. Most are cited from Mariano Cuevas, "Historia de la Iglesia en México," (México 1939). All notes are fully cited to original source.

Dates: Undated

Información hecha en el consistorio y corte arzobispal de la Santa Iglesia de Sevilla ante el muy reverendo y magnífico Señor Dr. Juan de Escobar, Juez Oficial y Vicario General en ella a pedimento de Pedro de Campoverde, Canónigo de México. AGI, Audiencia de Mexico, 2705, 1546.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 20
Scope and Contents

Summary: Interrogatory held for Pedro de Campo Verde to pose his case for why he should remain in Seville. His primary claim for staying is due to the failing health of his father who is a widower. English extract of documents contained in the folder.

Dates: 1546.

Carta de la Emperadora a los Comisarios de la Santa Cruzada. AGI, Indiferente General, 1952, Libro 1, 1530.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 21
Scope and Contents

Summary: Document from the queen of Spain to the commissioners of the Santa Cruzada regarding a legal dispute brought forth by said commissioners. At issue are the legal rights of funds and property from certain deceased individuals from the Indies. English abstract included in the folder.

Dates: 1530.

AGI, Indiferente General, 1952. 1530.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 22
Scope and Contents

Summary: Instructions written by the Queen of Spain to the "Casa de Contratación" regarding safe passage extended to thirty Franciscan friars to the Indies. Document provides information regarding remuneration to the shipmaster for legal passage to occur. English extract included.

Dates: 1952. 1530.

Probanza del clérigo Bartolomé Romero. AGI, Audiencia de México, 2705, 1542.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 23
Scope and Contents

Summary: Testimonies collected in the legal process to name Bartolomé Romero as "chanter maestre escuela" of the church of Tlaxcala. English abstract included in the folder.

Dates: 1542.

AGN, Mercedes, Vol. 2, Exp. 690, F. 277v, 1544.

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 24
Scope and Contents

Summary: Royal decree denouncing the alleged reading of papal bulls by commisioners of the "Cruzada." This activity is considered highly inappropriate because of the commissioners’ lack of credentials to serve as ecclesiastics. Two copies of this document are included in the folder.

Dates: 1544.

AGN, Mercedes, Vol. 1, Exp. 450, f.211; AGN, Mercedes, vol. 2, exp. 455, f.188v; AGN, Mercedes, vol. 2, exp. 443, f. 183 and AGN, Mercedes, Vol. 2, Exp. 206, f. 31., 1542 – 1543

 File — Box: 6, Foolder: 25
Scope and Contents

Summary: Petitions entered by Don Antonio de Mendoza on behalf of the "colegio de Santa Cruz" in Mexico City requesting food, clothing, supplies and money from diezmos so that it can be sustained. Santa Cruz is a school for Native American inhabitants of the city. Also for the Colegio del Señor Santiago in Ciudad México and a payment to Gabriel de Aguilera, padre in San Esteban del Puerto, Panuco, to cover the expenses of the deceased cleric, Cristóbal de Torres 1542.

Dates: 1542 – 1543